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Why I love octubre/October! |
Aquí les dejo mis respuestas:
What fun! My friend, Ezzy from EzzyLanguzzi, shared this meme with me last week. Thank you! You helped me practice a little more Spanish.
Here are my responses:
¿Qué fue lo primero que le viste a tu pareja cuando se conocieron?
What was the first thing I noticed of my husband's when I met him?
Sus ojos
His eyes
¿A dónde te gustaría ir de luna de miel?
Where would I like to go on a honeymoon?
Venice (before it sinks!)
¿Te consideras una persona aventurera?
Do I consider myself an adventurous person?
No es tan aventurero como yo de tener hijos.
Not as adventurous since I had kids.
¿Tienes algún secreto tuyo que nuca le hayas contado a nadie?
Do you have a secret you've never shared with anybody?
No. Al menos una persona lo sabe todo.
No. At least one person knows everything.
¿Playa o piscina?
Beach or pool?
¿Verano o invierno?
Summer or winter?
¿Besos of abrazos?
Kisses or hugs?
¿Dulce o saldado?
Sweet or salty?
Dulce y salado! ... cubiertas de chocolate pretzels
Sweet and salty! ... chocolate-covered pretzels
¿Fresa o chocolate?
Strawberry or chocolate?
¿Qué hay de fresas cubiertas de chocolate?
How about chocolate-covered strawberries?
¿Blanco o negro?
Black or white?
¿Color favorito?
Favorite color?
¿Cuál es tu película favorita?
Your favorite movie?
¿Juego de mesa favorito?
Your favorite table game?
Euchre (un juego de cartas)
Euchre (a card game)
¿Cuál es tu bebida favorita?
What's your favorite drink?
¿Cual es tu trago favorito?
What is your favorite [alcoholic] beverage?
¿Cuál es tu mes favorito?
Your favorite month?
¿Qué es lo primero que piensas al despertar?
What's the first thing you think about when you wake up?
lavar la ropa y las tareas del mañana
doing laundry and morning chores
¿Perdonarías una infidelidad de tu pareja?
Would you forgive infidelity on the part of your spouse?
¿Cuántos timbrazos antes de contestar el telefono?
How many rings before you answer the phone?
¿Sabes guardar secretos?
Do you know how to keep secrets?
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you ;-) (Spy humor that I have no idea how to say in español!)
¿Dices tu edad verdadera?
Do you tell your honest age?
¿Te consideras timida o extrovertida?
Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
An introvert
¿Que hay debajo de tu cama?
What's under your bed?
Fuera de temporada la ropa
Off-season clothing (and maybe a lot of other stuff I don't want to look at what kids have hidden under there!)
¿Has faltado a clases/al trabajo sólo por el clima?
Have you missed school or work due to the weather?
¿Cuánto tiempo tienes con este blog?
How long have you had this blog?
Casi un año
Almost one year
I apologize for any errors in español here...ha sido durante muchos años since I studied, and I never really got that far in my studies! Gracias a Dios por my Spanish-English dictionary and traductor Google :D
Le paso este juegito a unas amigas queridas, gracias por todo su apoyo ... I'm passing this little game to a few of my dear friends, some of them are the same friends Ezzy listed (I hope that's not cheating!) The Lifestory of a Bookworm (Jessica), Bicultural Mom(Chantilly), Motherhood in Mexico (Leslie), Me and the Mexican (Tara), and Growing Up Blackxican (Ruby)
Loved learning more about you Jen! I love chocolate covered pretzels too! Everytime I see them in the store, I can't pass them by with out picking them up! Great answers!
Jen, which is worse, waking up and thinking about homework, or housework? *LOL* Fearing what lurks under the bed seems to be a common theme! Hee-hee. Thank you for participating, amiga. I love these little memes. Hugs and kisses to you and your family. : ))))
ReplyDeleteThank you for inviting me to do this, Ezzy! It was a very fun challenge for me...thank goodness the questions weren't too hard! I would've been copying/pasting a lot of traductor Google :D Mucho amor a su familia, amiga! xoxox
ReplyDeleteThanks, Tara. I hope you have time to do this, too! FUN! Hugs to you, amiga :-) Hope all is well with you and your familia! <3
ReplyDeleteOooh! I love this! I will do my best to post mine this week. (Spanish Friday at the latest!)
ReplyDeleteI love sweet & salty snacks! :)
Excellent! I hope you have time, Leslie! Can't wait to read your responses :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Jen! I didn't know you did the meme, it actually originated on my blog I'm glad Ezzy passed on to you. I also want to go to Venice for my honeymoon. Hopefully on our 10-year anniversary since we did not go anywhere -well, to a theme park but that doesn't count- when we got married. Loved your answers, you can go and check mines if you like. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteDania! I will check your answers! Thanks for starting this fun meme! We didn't go anywhere for our honeymoon, either. Some day...maybe when the kids are grown ;-)