Jun 24, 2011

From PragmaticMom.com--Top 50: Multicultural Children’s Books Every Kid Should Know + My Summer Reading

Thanks to Pragmatic Mom for putting together a really excellent list of multicultural books for all ages!   I am sharing it everywhere I can share! Some of my kids' all time favorites are here, as well as some that I am excited to check out from our library soon. You can check it out here:

The girls are especially excited about finishing the summer reading program and have been reading every day.

All rights reserved: jenmardunc
All rights reserved: jenmardunc

I also signed up for the adult summer reading program. Here is a review of the second book I have completed--4 more to go!

Jen's bookshelf: read

Color Blind: A Memoir

4 of 5 stars

At first I was just fascinated by the cultural aspects of this book. I did not know that it was common practice for Nigerians to have their children fostered in Europe. I was enthralled by Precious Williams' description of her childhood as ...



  1. Color Blind sounds like a compelling and emotional read. I really LIKE how you "embedded" your review in the post. Love the pictures of your girls reading. ; D

  2. Color Blind was compelling; really sad in so many ways, too. Notice how there is no picture of my son here...he says, "Why do I have to read? I'm not in school right now. It's summer vacation!" Ugh. I don't understand how my husband (a lifetime library worker who always has a book with him) and me (a double literature major and Language Arts teacher) could have a son who doesn't want to read! Kids....lol.


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